Maybe you like the PlayStation 5’s distinctive white-and-black look. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you’d settle for a Zune-brown and orange model as long as you could find it in stock. But wherever you come down on the
ps5收購ps5’s color, one thing’s for sure: there’s a lot of demand for other options.
That’s what Dbrand was betting when it put its matte black replacement “Darkplates” on sale recently while baiting Sony to sue. Successive waves of the product sold out fast to the point where they’re now almost as hard to find as the
ps5收購ps5 itself; the next batch won’t ship til May, though you can still put a backorder in.
Anyway, I don’t mind how the
ps5收購ps5 looks myself, but since Dbrand sent over a set of Darkplates, I was curious whether they’d change my mind. This afternoon I took off my
ps5收購ps5’s lightplates (?) to see for myself.
The process is quite simple. Here’s Dbrand’s video on how to replace the
ps5收購ps5’s plates:
I found it a little more difficult to take off the stock white plates than this video suggests, but I was reluctant to apply too much force out of fear of damaging my rare-as-hens’-teeth console. Once you do manage to unhook the plates and slide them off, it’s very easy to attach the Darkplates in their place — they just pop right in with a satisfying click. It doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything the
ps5收購ps5 wasn’t intended to do out of the box, so I think Sony is missing out by not selling its own official swappable plates.
Here’s how the
ps5收購ps5 looks on both sides with the stock plates removed:
And here are some shots with the Darkplates attached:
The Darkplates feel sturdy and of high quality — these aren’t just flimsy pieces of plastic. You’d expect as much for $49 plus shipping, of course. But Dbrand has definitely gone the extra mile to make this feel like a premium product, and this is maybe best expressed by the company’s own spin on Sony’s PlayStation icon microtexture. As on the
ps5收購ps5, it’s difficult to see with the naked eye or to photograph, but it’s there:
Dbrand also sent over a matte black skin to cover the glossy black middle portions of the
ps5收購ps5. These are available in various colors, too. I found it easier to apply than I expected, but it didn’t turn out 100-percent perfect — the skin was slightly lopsided around the USB-A port, though not in any way that’d obstruct usage. But I’m not really convinced that I prefer this look to simply leaving the middle section glossy.
Here are some shots with the skin attached for full matte-black effect:
Finally, I thought I’d compare my newly matte black
ps5收購ps5 to the similarly matte black Xbox Series X. I have to admit, the black finish does seem to have a slimming effect on the
As mentioned before, the Darkplates cost $49 plus shipping, while the middle skin is an extra $11.95. You can still order now, but they won’t ship until May. Is it a lot to pay to change your
ps5收購ps5’s color? Yes. But if you have your heart set on the idea, I think you’ll enjoy the Darkplates.
外界盛傳,Sony 即將在年底發表
ps5收購ps5 Pro 強化版主機,日前更已經有官方文件流出,提前洩露相關規格,對此部分開發者卻不埋單,反倒吐槽稱「看不懂
ps5收購ps5 Pro 推出的意義」。
外媒《》記者 Christopher Dring 實際走訪上週舉辦的 GDC 遊戲開發者大會,與多名開發者訪談後。他在 Podcast 節目透露,沒有一個人能理解
ps5收購ps5 Pro 的意義在哪,許多開發者認為還不需要
ps5收購ps5 Pro,因為打從一開始,他們就還沒有讓
ps5收購ps5 完全發揮潛能。
Christopher Dring 提到,一些開發公司認為,
ps5收購ps5 Pro 不會改變遊戲市場的現狀,或是擴大市場,因為當前這世代甚至還稱不上開始,更不用提產品的中期升級。
ps5收購ps5 Pro 流出的規格來看,升級幅度沒有當年 PS4 至 PS4 Pro 這麼大,當年也恰好搭上了 4K 電視開始流行的熱潮,高解析度的遊戲畫面成為 PS4 Pro 一大亮點。如今
ps5收購ps5 Pro 並未見有相同優勢。
ps5收購ps5 Pro 聚焦於 GPU 提升,能帶來最多 4 倍提升的光線追蹤效能,運算能力為 33.5 Teraflops,比現行
ps5收購ps5 的 10.28 Teraflops 強上三倍之多,並且會藉由 AI、機器學習來強化畫面運算。